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What could be better than a whipped cream to sublimate fruit, a piece of cake or a few cookies, in an express, seductive and “very delicious” dessert as Mercotte could emphasize (to whom I say a little cuckoo, while she is in preparing for season 3 of the Best Pastry Chef M6 )? I often receive emails from tearful readers like “Dear Sylvie, I love all your recipes and everything you do and every time I do them again everyone treats, but here I can not succeed in whipped cream ”. Here is a somewhat technical article in which you will find everything you need to know to make a whipped cream CHOOSE A REAL CREAM This is undoubtedly obvious, but it is THE key to success. No successful whipped cream with a 5, 15, 18 or 21% fat cream, whether it is fluid, thick, or semi-thick. You need a whole cream minimum of 30% fat. A UHT cream may be suitable, but pasteurized single cream is even better. Note that we now find professional creams at 35% fat in hypermarkets, this is ideal! WO

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